Art Prompt: A Collage of Your Favorite Things

Some of my favorite things: gardens, beaches,
porches, sunsets, snorkeling, dancing, sailing,
holding hands, good food & drink, feeling a breeze,
receiving flowers, breathtaking views, paint & brushes
If you need a creative boost, a collage of your favorite things just might perk up your spirit. Here are some ideas for getting started:

- collect some of your well read magazines and start cutting out images that resonate with you. No need for a lot of thought here. Colors and patterns may catch your eye, faces or rooms might pique your interest, titles of articles may draw your attention. 

- find colorful patterned papers from gift bags, tissue inserts, the inside of security envelopes
, junk mail, or greeting cards. 

- look for images online and print them on your printer

Snip away until you have a group of images and letters to start.

You can adhere your images of favorite things onto a piece of card stock or any heavy weight paper you might have on hand. Glue stick works well for this. First arrange the images in an appealing way on the page and use your adhesive to put them on the page. You can write over the images with words that inspire you. 

Once you've completed your collage, take a look at what you've put together. Does this group of images inspire you? Make you feel happy when you see it? Refer to your collage when you need a pick me up. Remind yourself of your good fortune, your dreams, and what you have in this moment when you see your collage. 

I recall the lyrics of "My Favorite Things" from the Sound of Music, one of my favorite old movies: 

"When the dog bites

When the bee stings
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things

And then I don't feel so bad" 

Keep it in a prominent place (the inside of a kitchen cabinet or the laundry room is where I keep mine) where you will see it often. 

Share your comments and let me know about some of your favorite things. 


Anonymous said…
I like that idea. It would be a good way to move past being stuck and boost some creativity.
Unknown said…
I love ice cream, chocolate, sunshine, the ocean and the river. Think I'll make a collage!
Anonymous said…
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