My Word for 2015 - Warrior

Spending New Year's Day 2015 on making art and cooking was my objective this past week, and I wanted to do an art journal page on the word I've chosen to guide me through the next 12 months. 

This year I've chosen Warrior. I created a self portrait of myself with these words as the cover of one of my 2015 art journals. My mantra is to be a warrior of my life. A fearless protector of my happiness, health, wealth, art and time. 

This blog has inspired me: 
Janette Gregson's amazing Warrior Women Art Journals

I've learned to take daily actions in choosing happiness, health and wealth every day. Those actions each day bring me task by task to the place where I am now and want to be most. I want every day to be focused on choosing wisely how I spend my time, and with whom I spend it. 

As Maya Angelou says, "When people show you who they are, believe them." As I intend to show the people I spend time with who I am, truly and deeply... A warrior for myself and of myself. 

And Art... making Art... seeking Art... sharing my talents, my gifts, my inspiration, and the art that inspires me - art journaling every week, painting with intention, taking time to read, learn and practice making sacred marks. 

Warrior: Fearless Protector of Happiness, Health, Wealth, Art and Time. 

What is your word for 2015?

Here's another Word of the Year link:


Let's connect: 


V.J. Maheu said…
I really like that art journal page, colorful, powerful imagery!
Pamela Jacob said…
That is a great word. Love your blog
Unknown said…
What a great idea making an art journal! Thanks for sharing the idea.
Admin said…
Wow, I love your self-portrait!! It is very beautiful :)

I love what you've written about guarding your time, wealth and health and how that translates into your word for 2015.. very powerful! I find the same in my life as I get my priorities straight.

My word for the year? I am not sure I have just one, but I do know that I am very invested in experiencing more freedom, peace, and awe.
Damien said…
Amazing portrait, AMAZING
Wow! Such great art: love your portrait! And also an unusual but wonderful word, to be a warrior of your life! ;) By the way, I studied Expressive Arts Therapy too. ;) may wish to change the year at the beginning of your post, you are a little ahead of yourself! ;) <3
Anonymous said…
I LOVE that you chose Warrior as your word for 2015. We are a tribe of Warrior Women and nothing can defeat us now :-)
Big love to you
AJ :-)

Unknown said…
What a fabulous image and inspirational word! Thank you for sharing, and I wish you a wonderful 2015.
Kendall said…
Your self portrait and word declaration is amazing! I'm glad to have seen it. Here's to you being a Warrior in every sense of the word throughout the year! :)

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