Don't Follow Your Dreams, Chase Them

"Throw your dreams into space like a kite, you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love..." ~Anais Nin

Its been a while. Life has been busy! Fall has been a whirlwind and now its almost Winter. Hot soup, warm socks, sprinkling of snow, twinkling of lights. The things dreams are made of. 

In a long discussion about love and soul mates, a good friend of mine told me he had dreamed his soul mate came to him in a dream. He said he felt a kiss in his dreams and when she kissed him, she moved right through him. I knew I had to draw that, so this illustration comes from that conversation. 

"I know nothing with any certainty but the sight of stars makes me dream." ~Vincent Van Gogh

I am no expert in dreams, and I don't often dream that I can remember. However, I do daydream a lot. And I believe that day dreams and night dreams hold much for us if we pay attention. In my daydreams, I see big adventures, deep love, high aspirations, and great happiness. When I focus on my dreams, I am amazed at how they come true in unexpected and surprising ways. Better than I imagined. When I go to sleep at night, I focus on what I want my subconscious to work out. If I struggle with a problem, want change, need to find guidance, I end my waking day with thoughts I send to my inner guidance in sleep. I often find that I wake with less anxiety, that answers come in time, opportunities arrive when needed, and all things work together for a higher good.

And sometimes they don't. So I let go. 

"The old dreams were good dreams; they didn't work out, but glad I had them." ~Clint Eastwood, Bridges of Madison County

I find that my dreams are sometimes so real in an abstract sort of way, that it is like a dark comedy to watch them when I'm awake. Running from volcano lava, having conversations with folks I haven't seen in years, speaking to animals that can talk... such a comedy. Then there is the breathless waking up realizing it was just a dream and not real. Thanks goodness for those.  I think Jonas Salk says it best:

"I have had dreams and I have had nightmares, but I have conquered my nightmares because of my dreams. ~Dr. Jonas Salk

The ability to dream in the day time and dream at night, gives us both the joy of hope and new beginnings while our sleep allows us to find the answers to make those dreams come true, to sort out the troubles and find the solutions to what our waking mind struggles with each day. I used to be less purposeful in what I do at night before sleeping. I now use night time rituals to help me ease into sleeping. I listen to relaxation music when I slip into bed, read calming books, jot down notes that I want my subconscious to work through, and make sure that there is no distracting light to interfere when I fall asleep. I remember a book I used to read to my children where an adventurous mouse sailed on the wind and the ocean in his bed with his sheets as sails. I like that kind of dreaming!

I am also purposeful in my day dreaming as well. My affirmations are a source of day dreams that help me to focus on the things I truly want to live each day. I consciously dream of work that is meaningful, divine relationships that nurture, gratitude for my surroundings. All these rituals ground my days and allow me to conquer my nightmares. I begin each day with purposeful thoughts and remind myself of those affirming thoughts throughout the day.

"Don't follow your dreams; chase them..."

Good advice for my friend who felt a kiss in his dreams. I hope all your dreams come true!


Melissa Sheldon said…
Awesome post. Empowering. :)
Oh, yes. I hope your dreams come true, too. This post is like a lovely gift. THANK YOU for it and for commenting on my post.


Anonymous said…
Love this post! I love dreams, and your post was insightful and encouraging.

Thank you for following us, as well! We've followed you back. :)

Looking forward to seeing more of your writings!


Saint Adore
Ben said…
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