Mandala Art: Visual Symbols for Motivation & Inspiration

According to Wikipedia, mandalas are used for focusing attention, as spiritual teaching tools, for establishing a sacred space and as an aid to meditation. Mandalas have been described as diagrams that recall our relationship to the infinite, which extends both beyond and within our minds and bodies.

I discovered the art of creating digital mandalas a few years ago, and I enjoy using artwork to create mandalas. For me, it is another extension of a painting or a sketch... even photos. 

In this Blue Woman mandala (left), the colors of blue, magenta and green are used as inspirational colors. Blue represents trust in myself, my intuitive nature, exhilaration. Magenta & purple are indicative of creativity, spirituality, and transformation. Abundance is represented by shades of green. Orange red flames are symbols of passion and a burning desire to create, to express the "wild soul."

The colors in this first mandala are from my painting "Blue Woman" and are symbolic reminders to free myself from doubt and fears blocking creative abundance - the ability to create my life's work through art and visual inspiration to others. 

This second mandala is from an art journal page, using organic & spiritual images such as angels, wings, leaves, jewelry, leaves and maps to represent various aspects of an abundant and grateful life. 

Coaching education has taught me that it is important to create the proper environments conducive to growth and expansion. Symbols of inspiration and motivating images keep us moving forward on our path to fulfillment in our work and in relationships.

These mandalas are some of the symbols I've created to keep myself ever mindful of my goals and mission in life: To live with passion and follow my divine path of expressive arts coaching and creating art. 

If you are interested in learning more about mandala art and using expressive art to create motivational art for your home or office, leave a comment and let's connect. 



Marian said…
These are beautiful! I especially love the second one here!

I attend an Ashram where they draw gorgeous chalk mandalas. I am amazed at how magnificent they are!
Anonymous said…
I'm so happy that you found the 100 Mandalas Challenge. The colors in these mandalas are so vibrant.
Carol said…
These are beautiful!

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