Art Prompt - A List of Gratitudes

Today's Art Prompt is to create a list of gratitudes. You can draw write, doodle, collage or photograph anything for which you are grateful. No matter how small or large, every day or special occasion, simply be conscious of what is in your life today that you are thankful to have, experience, and enjoy. 

If you would like a copy of Gratitudes to use for your art prompt, leave me a comment with a link to your facebook page or blog.   

I hope you have many things for which to be thankful!


Grazona said…
Visiting from UBC. I love your blog's title. Today's post is lovely. I have been so pleased with all the discussion of gratitude I have seen during this challenge. I will write a journal entry inspired by your post! Thank you.
A New Me said…
I love the way your blog looks. So creative. I will have to look around some now that I found you. Seeing this post makes me curious about what else is here. :)
Unknown said…
I'm grateful for this blog post. I plan to write my list this evening!
Mary C. Nasser said…
Wonderful idea!
Thank you! :)

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