Your Unfinished Projects: Getting Things Done

She Who Has Good Intentions
As the Queen of Unfinished Projects, I have a number (I will not reveal the number of zeros) of projects that are carefully and chaotically resting in my studio. I have enjoyed a lifetime of projects, being the Creative that I am, some of which are completed and some... not so much. Just ask my friends and family. As my Monkey Mind thinks of way more things to do and accomplish than my Guiding Angel can whip up, there is a constant battle in my head as to which ones will come to fruition and those that will fall by the wayside, unfinished or as dreams on a list. 

This can and sometimes does become a source of stress and pressure. Gratefully, I have learned a few lessons along the way, so the Monkey Mind and Guiding Angel are more under control and playing nicely most of the time. 

One of the methods you can use is a Promise List. Its a spread sheet to keep in your briefcase or desk of the promises made to clients, friends, family and your self. Write down the promise you've made and a tentative date for completion. Post a reminder in your mobile phone calendar so it doesn't fall through the cracks. 

One of the suggestions Jack Canfield makes in the Success Principles, where I learned this concept, is to let the person you've promised know as soon as possible if you can't make your deadline or agreed timeline of completion. Reset the date and stay in touch until accomplished. If the promise is to yourself, do the same. 

Another method is a My Project List. Being a Pinterest fan, I love to peruse boards and pins with project ideas for art, journaling, gardening, and decor projects. When you find tools, plants, ephemera, and baubles for projects, you can put them on your Project List with the remaining supplies needed and give yourself a series of Dates to Create (I suggest 3 dates for larger projects to start). Also include a column for Finished!

The final method is Celebrate! We should acknowledge our completions, our finished projects, the final work of art just as we celebrate graduations, weddings, birthdays and the last game of the season. What did you learn? What would you do differently? What is your victory? Celebrate with friends, light a candle, blog about it. 

Hope you find these tips helpful. Comment if you'd like a copy of the My Project List or the My Promise List and I'll be happy to share. Keep those Creative Soul Juices flowing!


Oombawka Design said…
Lists work very well for me to meet my goals - I recently started a Crochet Bucket List Project - to help work through some of the crochet projects I keep saving and wanting to finish - I love the feeling of achieving even small goals - and being able to cross them off the list.

Visiting from the UBC.
Unknown said…
My list is so long that I have to prioritize."The Next Most Important Thing" is what I consider everytime I complete a project or task. I also get stuck in the menial tasks and don't get to the creative ones as quickly as I'd like. So it's time to make an appointment with myself for my creative side to be fed!
When I look at my unfinished projects I Just ponder how DaVinci and I are the same.

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