Soul Comfort - A New Class from Brave Girls Club

Winner Announcement: 
Anita (you'll need to contact me with your full name and email for me to pass on to Brave Girls. 

Thanks everyone for the comments! More to come!

To the tired, the exhausted, the overstretched…here’s an invitation…

Life can be simple.

What if we celebrated the brave act of….taking a break?
What if simplicity,comfort, and quiet were the goal?
What if there really was a way to quiet the chatter in our minds and let us recharge our body & soul?
And what if it was fun, too?

Introducing a new eCourse . . .

Soul Comfort is a fresh new concept using art and journaling as a means to relax and comfort yourself and to get grounded while dealing with the craziness of every-day living.

This course if full of beautiful projects to fuel your creativity in very simple and easy ways that are meditational and relaxing , beautiful comforting things that will have your soul infused into them so that you want to keep them forever.

If you would like to enter a drawing for Soul Comfort, leave a comment below and answer one of the following questions: (I'll be drawing a name on Saturday and posting the winner, so check back to see if you've won!)
Option 1: What is it about ‘Soul Comfort’ that makes you want to take this Brave Girl class?
Option 2: What do you think of when you hear the words “Soul Comfort”?
Option 3: Why do you think women have a hard time with self care? And how do you think this Brave Girl class might help you get through the holiday season?
Class begins on Sept 24!!! Hope to see you there! 


Unknown said…
Sounds like an intriguing book. :) Thanks for sharing.
Unknown said…
I would like to take the Soul Comfort Course because I think that the mix of art therapy and getting to know myself deep within my soul would be really good for myself right now. This summer I spent 12 weeks in a trauma treatment centre due to horrific childhood abuse and as a result I suffer from depression, anxiety, and post traumatic stress disorder. The transition home from the centre has been hard too and I think that this course would help me with the transition by giving me extra positive support now and throughout the holiday season. It would allow me positive nurtance of my body and soul, allow me to express myself through art, it would allow me to self care instead of me bouncing back to my old negative coping mechanisms. I think it would be amazing for me. Thank you for this opportunity!
Heartwideopen said…
WOW! What a bright and inviting blog you have. I've found so many new blogs to visit on a regular basis!!

When I think of Soul Comfort, I think of that moment when I feel loved, protected, and at peace. Peace is seriously lacking right now. I would want to take this class to learn how to find a place of peace and rest among all the turmoil around me.

I think as women we were created to be nurturers. We sometimes get so caught up in nurturing those around us that we just plain for get to nurture ourselves. AND we often feel guilty for taking time for ourselves when there is so much "busy-ness" to get done.
Thank you for this opportunity to take this class. Winning this class would be the only way I could take it right now.
Mary C. Nasser said…
I really want to take this class to find more of a sense of peace during the busy holiday season coming up soon. This course sounds like it would offer comfort and caring during what is usuallyy a hectic season. Thank you for the chance to win! Fingers crossed!
Adelhaid said…
Today, Soul Comfort makes me think of inner peace and healing of self.
Delan'sDesign said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
To me, soul comfort means peace and quiet. It means taking time to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Getting comfy and cozy...even just taking very deep breaths and being aware of all the blessings that surround me.
Thank you for offering this chance!
Suz said…
I love BG classes. My friend and I dream of one day attending at the ranch until then we get together virtually and have restored soul and body now we are ready for that comfort
Unknown said…
love bgc classes! they're always so inspiring and motivating!
Unknown said…
We as women have a difficult time with self care because we are naturally the nurturers. We take care of everyone else but ourselves and even feel guilty when taking time and doing something for ourselves. We end up finding ourselves lost, tired and depleted, unable to give our best to ourselves and those we love. So taking this course would help me in getting down to the “soul comfort” of nurturing my own soul. I’m hoping this course can bring a calmness and peace that is so desired in my life.
Anonymous said…
The words Soul Comfort make me think of peace, calm, and solitude.
- C
Anonymous said…
Soul comfort= I think of peace, calm, reflection and lighting a candle.
Anonymous said…
I have always naturally felt the need to take care of my family first. I was an only child, took care of my parents as they aged, took care of my 6 children as a single parent. Taking care of myself is very foreign concept to me, even now as a senior person. Life is chaotic, even now, having peace and calm in my life would be a Comfort to my Soul. I think this holiday season will be no different unless I learn a way to simplify and create calm in my life.
Thank you for this opportunity! Regards, Kay P.

I can be contacted here:
Anonymous said…
Soul comfort is just simply some down time to read , watch a girl movie, or just whatever, these moments are far and few between, thank you for offering the course I hope one day to be able to do the same Jane at
Unknown said…
Soul comfort to me means enjoying the simple things. To really feel and experience the everyday things.
Juel said…
Women are created to be a caregiver, it gives us joy to serve our families. We get caught up in making sure everyone’s needs are met. Personally it makes me truly happy to do what I do. This class will help me to simplify in every area of my life I am certain. I want to focus on me so I can be soul happy and not the tired, stressed Miss Grumpy pants.
Unknown said…
Soul comfort means being comfortable in my own skin, with my abilities, my talents, my priorities.
Stephanie Frisby said…
Soul Comfort means being at peace with myself and my circumstances. It means quiet and relaxation. It means love and happiness.
It is my experience that I tend to lack in the self care department because I am focused on trying to care for others. Problem is….you need to take care of yourself before you can really care for others (I liken it to the oxygen mask on an airplane….. you are supposed to apply your mask first – THEN help others.) I see this course as my oxygen mask, helping me center myself… taking time to heal myself… so that I can meet the holidays and all that comes with them – head on.
Cindy said…
I think of being at peace with the me, the true me.
Melissa said…
To me, soul comfort means finding peace and contentment in a busy world. And a class that can teach me ways to find that on a daily basis would be truly valuable.
amson said…
I would love to take this course as it should give me the impetus to get off the merry go round of my life and look at where I want to head. Thanks for this chance!
I am completely exhausted deep in my my life and my relationships. i really really need this course. it was mean SO much to me! <3
Flower-Girl said…
Soul Comfort means the peaceful, easy feeling after a good 'creative' day. It may also include tasty food and a warmed blanket. Thanks for the chance to win!
Melissa said…
Soul comfort makes me think of peace and happiness and love, and being able to quiet the busyness and stress in my life.
Lori W said…
Thanks so much for the chance to win!! I've never taken a Brave Girls course, but would love to!
I think we get so caught up in taking care of everyone else, that our own care gets pushed to the back burner. Holidays are hard for me, since losing my mom to cancer in 2003. I think this course would be great to explore some new ways of expressing my feelings.
Juel said…
Hobby...I was chosen on another blog so please pass on my place to another beautiful soul!! Thanks

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