Color of Woman Training

In this new year, I am exploring a new path with a new community of like minded women artists who are learning the Method of Intentional Creativity.  I'm honored to be among these women of spiritual intelligence, creative intuitive minds, and healers. I'll be posting thoughts, art work in progress (WIP), as well as inspiration from this year long program as I move through the curriculum.

Before the year began, I took some time with the Red Thread Cafe, lead by Shiloh Sophia McCloud and Christine Arylo along with the Cosmic Cowgirls, to join in a workshop called Weave. Having done many vision boards over the years, this was a step in a new direction in visioning the future. We pondered passionate goals, big wild dreams, and spirit centered calling from within. The creation of an altar to honor our vision for the year and the future was born from this work, weaving the answers found deep within our hearts and souls with what we truly want to share in our creative work and in service to our communities and the world. I'll share some of the progress of this work here on this page of my blog.

The opening doors to the Weave altar I created begin with a quote I slightly changed from Brendon Burchard. It reads,

"Grant me the strength 
to focus each day
to be mindful and present
to serve with excellence
to be a force of love."

The other door are words from one of my favorite authors and teachers Florence Scovel Shinn. It says,  

"I look with wonder at that which is before me."

At the beginning, I set an altar to honor the work I would be doing with symbols and tools, to focus my heart and mind on the task of setting intentions for the year and the future. I had painted the background of my altar from 140 lb watercolor paper torn and folded. The Madonna is a symbol I love and I wanted her presence with me as I made notes, drew sketches, and imagined into the future of 2016.

I'll be continuing the progress of this vision altar on the blog here, but for now I'll end with this thought from Eleanor Roosevelt,

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." 

Connect with me here: 


Nadya said…
Blessings on your quest! I loved my time in the Color of Woman training, and an delights to begin to teach, and to serve your class!
I love your altar and Weave doors (may need to stitch the quotes!)

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